Sunday, April 26, 2009


Gambo of Khudunabari camp on 26th April 2009 wrote:
Hello we should not forget those moments of Refugee life where ever we go. We should share our feelings to all but there is no any contact with which we can connect with our friends.With that view our friends have created a blog sites name WWW.FRIENDSOFBHUTAN.BLOGSPOT.COM so please write message to it so that we can have regular contact.We leave the earth one day but our memories remain alive. So let us have the thinking of live and let live so that we could sacrifice our life in precious manner. By the way i am very pleased with our friends who have got such a thought of linking friends of bhutan across the globe. And from my side i can say that i have great support to the FRIENDS OF BHUTAN in near future. I shall be always in touch to all.
By: GamboKhudunabari Camp(Going Canada SOON)

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